7 Easy Safety Tips for Cold Weather Work to get you Home Safe for the Holidays!

Everyone knows that working in the heat can be dangerous, but did you know that working in cold weather can pose just as many serious health and safety risks?

Workers who spend the majority of their workday outside, for example professionals working in construction and employees at ski resorts, face increased risk for weather-related injuries and illnesses during the cold and wet winter months! Serious health conditions such as hypothermia, trench foot, and frostbite can pose dangerous health risks. Heart attacks due to over exertion in cold weather are also common. Individuals with heart conditions should be extra conscious when working in the cold.

We want to make sure all workers return #HomeSafe4theHolidays to their families and loved ones! Here are 7 easy tips to stay safe and healthy when working in the cold:

Sports Drink Set Isolated1. Stay hydrated! Drink warm, sweet beverages at break time, and plenty of water throughout the day. Sports drinks or warm, water-based beverages like de-caffeinated tea or hot cider are recommended. Avoid beverages that contain caffeine, like coffee, and alcohol.

coldconstruction022. Dress for the weather. When working outdoors in the cold it is best to layer, and always remember your waterproof gear when cold weather also becomes wet! Consider investing in good quality socks, gloves, hats, and neckwear to protect all parts of the body from exposure to cold and heat loss. If your clothing becomes wet, remove it right away and ensure it is dry before putting it back on.

TTC Workers in the Snow3. Know the signs and symptoms of cold-induced illnesses and injuries, and what to do if you or a co-worker experiences them. Click here to familiarize yourself! The most common, serious conditions are hypothermia, frostbite, and immersion/ trench foot.

asparagus-broccoli-and-cheese-pasta-39529-14. Eat a meal with plenty of carbohydrates and fats for energy and warmth prior to beginning work. Keeping the body warm requires a lot of energy, on top of the energy you are expending to do your job.

Screen Shot 2017-11-29 at 2.33.25 PM5. Get enough sleep to avoid exhaustion and fatigue, working in the cold requires more energy and effort than your body may be used to using.

constructioncold016. When possible, take frequent, short breaks in a warm, dry place.

skiworker7. Be aware of slip hazards when ice may be present.


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